Conscious Cinema: The Adjustment Bureau

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5/18 Free Admission $0.00 USD  ea 

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A stylish AND meaningful sci-fi thriller, “The Adjustment Bureau” opens with politician David Norris (Matt Damon) and ballerina Elise Sellas (Emily Blunt) meeting in a chance encounter in a men’s restroom. Both are on the verge of breaking out in their respective careers and are intently focused with moving them forward, David as a US Senator and presidential hopeful, and Elise as a world-class dancer. Though David is instantly smitten, mysterious men conspire to keep him away from the beautiful dancer. David learns that he is facing the powerful agents of Fate itself, and glimpsing the future laid out for him, must either accept a predetermined path that does not include Elise or else defy Fate to be with her.

“….this film, which is based on a short story by sci-fi maestro Philip K. Dick, has managed to elevate itself to the status of rare big-budget Hollywood production: One that strives to deal intelligently and entertainingly with one of the stickiest subjects in human history. One that strives to leaves audiences thinking and talking about something significantly more substantive than cool special effects.” — Adam Holz, Pluggedin.

Saturday, May 18th, 6:00 p.m. seating; film starts at 6:30 p.m., Cascadia House, admission: Free. Any donations for time and expenses are appreciated.

First-come, first served. Please reserve your space(s) on our website so we know that you are coming, and please only reserve a place when you are truly attending in consideration for others and your hosts. The private Vancouver residence address will be given upon sign-up.

Vaccination status will not be checked; we are assuming that our guests will be responsible and not put others at risk if they are showing symptoms of a communicable illness.

Please bring a pillow to ensure your comfort, and a healthy finger food or beverage to share.

Come and meet like-minded spiritual and metaphysical community at the Cascadia House Conscious Cinema gatherings held monthly. We have a brief social meet-and-greet and show a film chosen specifically nourish our spirits — whether comedy, drama, documentary, or ??? We’re open to your suggestions! There will be an intermission to mingle, meet, and discuss. After the film we’ll continue the discussion, and simply socialize!

The Cascadia Room has a theater screen with HD projector and high-quality sound. We can seat about 18 people on backjacks (which are floor seats), as well as snuggly foam mats and pillows so you can recline while watching.

Upcoming Dates

  • 18
    6:00 pm
    9:30 pm

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